Friday, October 26, 2007

Confession: You promise forgiveness. We need it.

Celebrant: Father in heaven, you promise forgiveness, and we need it. We have broken your laws, being impressed with our own ability to direct our lives. We come to you dirty. Cleanse us as you promise.
All: Father, you also promise to give us new hearts, and we need them. Our root problem is not in our outward behavior. Our root problem lies in our hearts. We have strayed far from you. We have run after idols in search of happiness, significance and meaning. We come to you with corrupt hearts. Give us new ones as you promise.

Celebrant: You are the King of compassion and Father of all mercies – hear us now as we confess our sins to you.
[Silence for self-examination and personal confession]

Celebrant: Merciful God, you tell us in the scriptures that all your promises find their “Yes” in Christ. Thank-you that you adopted us as your children, and put the
Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.
All: Fill us and renew us, that we might live our lives as befits the followers
of Christ. We ask these things for your glory, in his name. Amen.