Friday, October 26, 2007

Confession: Ascension Sunday

Celebrant: God of grace, and Father of all mercies, as we celebrate this day the ascension of our Lord Jesus into the glories of heaven, we are reminded of how far his ways are above ours. We confess that while he is kind, loving and compassionate, we are not.
All: Though Christ has called us into his glorious light, we confess that we often return to the shadows to hide our wretchedness. Though called by Christ to be his friends, we have betrayed his love, and lived as traitors. Though Christ has given himself as our atonement, we continually seek to justify ourselves.

Celebrant: O God you are full of compassion and patience – hear us now as we confess our sins to you.
[Silence for self-examination and personal confession.]

Celebrant: Merciful Lord Jesus, who sits now crowned with glory at the right hand of the Father,
All: You have promised to go before your people, and to prepare a place for us in the kingdom of your Father, that we may one day reign with you. Grant that we would this day claim these promises, and look to another day when you will return in power and majesty, to establish justice, and remove all sin forever. Amen.