Friday, October 26, 2007

Confession: We are slow to acknowledge His rule...

Celebrant: Righteous God, you have crowned Jesus Christ as Lord of all. And you say in your Word that on the last day at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and
every tongue confess that He is Lord.

All: Yet we confess that we have not bowed before him and are slow to acknowledge his rule. Instead we bow down and worship the idols of our hearts. We give allegiance to the powers of this world and fail to be governed by justice and love. We are rebellious subjects, ignoring the rule of our great King and running from his mercy and grace.

Celebrant: Merciful King, hear us now as we make honest confession to you.
[Silence for self-examination and personal confession]

Celebrant: God of kindness and mercy and fountain of every grace,

All: In your mercy, forgive us. Raise us to acclaim Jesus as ruler of all, that we may be loyal ambassadors, obeying the commands of our Lord and Redeemer. Amen.