Tuesday, May 27, 2008

While the Poor Clamor for Justice

Over at Common Grounds Online, Amy Lauger writes...

As I continue to learn more about all types of suffering and injustice in our world, many other issues don’t seem quite as important as they once did. In this week’s Newsweek, N.T. Wright is asked about gay unions and clergy, a contentious and indeed a truly significant issue in the church today. He replies:

“We have to address it. At the same time, I wish we could prioritize so that we were actually talking about issues of global justice and debt remission and global warming and so on. I mean, there’s something very bizarre about the rich arguing about sex while the poor are clamoring for justice.”*

I pray that God will find us faithful to seeking first his kingdom of justice and righteousness. May he help us straighten our priorities as the poor clamor for justice. And may the just become powerful and the powerful just.

* Lisa Miller, “Everything Old is New Again” Newsweek (May 5, 2008), 20.